Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 7 2024 - The BIG CHANGE IS COMING - Self Journey Back from a Traumatic Blow To Head - Post Concussive Syndrome Wrecked My Life

  • I've traveled so far and wide going from specialist to specialist since November 2017 until now. 2024.  Spending money on gas and using up valuable time desperately seeking answers to my symptoms and signs.  What modern medicine knows is test and prescribe drugs and when that doesn't work, you're sent out to more specialists who test and prescribe drugs, but often don't see any change in their patient's condition except a decline.  They shrug their shoulders and hope you get better. 
  • Yet, when you continue to see your doctors, and refuse drugs that give the same symptoms you already have from the drug's side affects, and you tell the doctor  the drugs are poisons that mask the root causes, it's difficult for Western trained doctors to accept. 

                                                                It's time to heal yourself. 

    When it comes to concussions, some are long lasting but don't show on CT scans.  THERE ARE THOSE CYNICS THAT BELIEVE IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD, AND THE TRUTH IS, IT IS! You just can't see a concussion. A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that affects brain function. Effects are often short term and can include headaches and trouble with concentration, memory, balance, mood and sleep. 

    Concussions can be hard to recognize. I was sent to a concussion specialist who diagnosed me. However the order of tasks I had to follow were incorrect.  She pushed me right into P/T, first, and the one therapist she sent me to - very knowledgeable - quit the practice after 2 visits.  And I had to travel far causing me stress as I should never have been driving with a convergence insufficiency of the eyes. After the first attempt, the places and people I found were not responsible or helpful. I was sent to an optometrist in Commack, and I couldn't figure out how to get to Commack anymore due to the concussion.  When I finally figured it out and found it on Goggle map, it was such a disappointment. I was told I could not have eye therapy with the optometrist until I paid them $1000 for prism glasses.  I was living 120% below poverty level with a small mortgage that consumed most of the retirement check from S.S. The story continues with looking for help, and seeing many eye doctors and specialists. None of them helped except for a Pediatric Ophthalmologist who helped me address the double vision but not the blurriness and night halos and blindness while driving. My life had changed, and I couldn't go out after dark, anymore.   Winters were tough when trapped indoors after 4:30 PM.  

    After years of seeing Specialists, Doctors, Physical Therapists, Nurse Practitioners, I'm struggling to take my power and stamina back, but it isn't easy with the dimming vision, gait disturbance, imbalance when walking, and the loss of focus and organizational skills.  Things are backing up and becoming scattered on table tops, dressers, and filing tasks incomplete.  I need to organize my files and it's too hard with the visual problems and holding a magnifying glass with one hand. I develop migraines over my left eye and have to lay down.  I'm at the point that every area needing organization is so difficult to put away when that specific place to store things  in also needs organizing. I tackle very small areas, and after 15 minutes, I have to lay down because it's exhausting to keep intentionally holding myself up, and the back pain rears it's ugly head, and I fatigue, and stop working. 

    January 2024, I developed a chronic cough that was dry and deep, and it hurt my ribcage and heart to continually cough.  I finally went to a Pulmonary doctor in July after seeing my Primary Doctor. I made 3 trips to NYU Langone in Huntington.  I had extensive blood tests. A PFT - pulmonary function test, and that dreaded CT scan of the lungs.  I had a nurse interpret everything not the doctor. I was told to use inhalers and nasal sprays. I had to stop using them. I had very bad reactions especially to the inhaler. No one told me that the Ct Scan picked up an atrophied thyroid. Just because it wasn't related to the lungs, it didn't matter to them? And it picked up part of the liver and the report said I have liver steatosis.  These are HUGE oversights by the pulmonary doctor, IMO. I found them!! 

    And I asked for an ex ray of the spine in 2024 that my Primary Doctor prescribed to show my chiropractor, and ask him why the lower back pain was starting to flare up. That ex ray also showed my gallbladder as an extra bonus - and I have gallstones that I wouldn't have known about. Always get a copy of your radiology reports and READ THEM.  You may have conditions that are silent and without symptoms but these conditions can progress without your knowledge. And your doctor never told you until these diseases progressed into stage 4. 

    One thing negative about seeing a specialist is that they appear to have their head in a compartmentalized box and only see that foot, heart, lungs, eyes, gallbladder, brain, or endocrine system, etc. The great news is they can help you restore, fix and cure diseases with their specialist training.   

    I also was having flutters or tremors in the chest early in the morning when waking up. I saw my cardiologist. After an EKG, a heart sonogram, a carotid artery sonogram, a RAD Nuclear stress test, I have coronary heart disease. This is ongoing and I won't see the cardiologist until September 19. 

    I also made an appointment with a Podiatrist in 2024. I had ex rays and was told I have a foot deformity in my arches. And arthritis.  And I was prescribed petroleum jelly with chemicals that affect the adrenal glands. I discontinued it. It was suggested I buy special shoes that I cannot afford. I can do special exercises for the feet at P/T and at home. 

    And this story expands all the way back to October 27 2017 when I had blunt force trauma to the skull moments after I was wheeled out of the surgical unit of a hospital and taken by a Nurse's Aid into the doctor's parking lot. I was pushed through a defective security gate  while still under anesthesia, and the gate crashed down on my left skull with torque force by a mechanized machine, and a 4 inch pipe crashed into my head then left shoulder. This caused whip lash. No one explored if I suffered from pituitary dysfunction or damage to the vagal nerve. I had pain in my left jaws well into 2018 and shortness of breath. 

    This has taken me hours to write. I need to do a few things in the kitchen.  (to be continued). 

     Meanwhile I am now into the next phase of my self healing and today I'm tweaking the strict meal plans I've been on that slowly has led to losing 14 pounds since January 1, 2024. Now I begin recording everything and documenting the new Chinese herbal medicines, Probiotics, Omega fish oils, many other supplements like Ashwagandha  into a readable journal. 

     LWM 2:37 PM  Saturday, September 7 2024

    Friday, August 30, 2024

    Hydrosol Usage to Create Water Based Liquids Infused with Natural Essences of Plants

     August 30 2024 - This begins a new adventure making Hydrosols.  I've had a relentless cough for over 8 months and the Western Trained doctors don't know what to do with me. I reluctantly consented to a dreadful CT scan of lungs.  The NYU Langone Pulmonary doctor prescribed sprays to shoot up my nose and a horrible inhaler that killed my Father in 1985.  The doctor was finished administering 3 long tests and said a nurse would take over and care for me.  I told the nurse I was going to make hydrosols and she went a little ape sh*t on me.  She didn't even know what I was talking about.  

    I've just finally opened the box and took out the small AIR Still to inspect it.  I drove to Sayville to see a holistic doctor as my P.C. doctor suggested I see a naturopathic doctor due to my refusal to take statins.  

    So today I did.  I return on September 4.  On the way home, I drove to a place I've been a member of for years.  Connetquot State Park Preserve where I caught my first brown trout 2 years, ago.  I knew there were Eastern White Pines there and I needed needles to use in my brand new still.  

    Benefits of using White Pine needles in a hydrosol.

    • Respiratory support: White pine needles can help with breathing, coughing, and chest congestion. They can be used as an expectorant to loosen mucus and help get rid of it. 
    • Immune system support: White pine needles are high in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that can help stimulate the immune system. 
    • Eye, skin, and hair health: White pine needles contain vitamin A, which can help with the eyes, skin, and hair. 
    • Mental health: White pine needles contain α-pinene, which may help with mood stabilization. They can also be used as an external aroma or taken internally to help with grief support. 
    • Antiseptic properties: White pine needles have antiseptic qualities that can help the body fight infections. 
    • Circulatory stimulant: White pine needles can act as a circulatory stimulant. 
    • Mild diuretic: White pine needles can act as a mild diuretic. 
    • White pine needles can be used in a variety of ways, including: 
    • Tea: Steep the needles in hot water for about 20 minutes. 
    • Syrup: Make a syrup by infusing the needles in raw honey. 
    • Salve: Make a salve by mixing pine pitch with extra-virgin olive oil and grated beeswax. 
    • Massage oil: Make a massage oil by using the resin from the tree. 
    • When harvesting white pine needles, it's important to be sustainable. You should gather from fallen branches before harvesting from a living tree, and avoid harvesting too heavily from one branch or area.
    Hand picked white pine needles on 8/30/2024

    The Air Still, above,  is compact and easy to use wherever and whenever you want. It fits nicely on your kitchen countertop and stores easily in cabinetry or pantries.

    Stay tuned for Part II.  6:30 PM  8/30/2024.  end.

    Tuesday, June 18, 2024

    Herb Garden is along an added 3 foot extension to garden using weed cloth and mulch growing in large pots

    Wild Mint that came from Irene Prevel's garden in Rocky Point in 2015. It's spread over the past 9 yrs.    

    Roman Chamomile planted from seed several years ago. 

    Perennial chives have been growing in this pot for years. 

    Borage - started it late. 

    Lemon grass bought from Home Depot and shipped from Alabama,  $16.99

    Perennial sage has been growing in this pot for many years. 

    Oregano planted from seed several years ago. 

    Parsley planted from seed. 2024

                                              Lovage sown in 2023 and came back after long Winter. 


    Herbs that I grow & Love - CHIVES


           Picture of potted chives taken June 18, 2024 - flowers are finished & forming seeds 

    Chives Plant: A Treasure in Natural Medicine and Beyond

    Among the many plants studied by traditional healers and modern scientists, few have garnered as much attention as the Chives Plant.
    This perennial herb has played a crucial role in natural medicine for centuries, providing benefits that extend well beyond its common use in the kitchen. Often overlooked, Chives are a versatile and potent plant with a myriad of health advantages.
    A Rich History
    The use of Chives dates back to ancient times, where it was esteemed for its healing and culinary properties. In traditional European medicine, Chives were employed to treat various ailments, including hypertension, digestive disorders, and respiratory issues. Its popularity persisted through the centuries, with its nutritional value becoming increasingly recognized in contemporary times.
    Medicinal Properties
    Chives boast a distinctive mix of:
    ☘ Allicin, known for its antibacterial and antiviral effects
    ☘Vitamin C, which bolsters the immune system and supports skin health
    ☘Vitamin K, essential for bone health and proper blood clotting
    ☘Folate, vital for overall cellular health and function
    ☘Antioxidants, including flavonoids and carotenoids, which help protect against oxidative damage
    Surprising Uses
    Chives are utilized in:
    �� Herbal teas and infusions, which aid in digestion and relaxation (Chives leaves are used for tea)
    �� Skincare products, due to their antioxidant and antibacterial qualities (Chives extracts are used in skincare)
    �� Gardening, as a natural insect repellent (Chives are planted to ward off pests)
    �� Culinary adding nutrition and flavor to a wide array of dishes, from soups and salads to garnishes
    Growing and Harvesting
    Chives are a resilient perennial that flourish in well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Harvest the leaves regularly by cutting them near the base to promote new growth. Chives can be harvested from early spring through late fall.
    Chives are a multifaceted and often underestimated plant, providing numerous benefits for our overall health. By learning about its medicinal properties and uses, we can fully appreciate its potential and find new ways to incorporate it into our daily lives.

    Chives have finished flowering and flowers are beginning to dry and form seeds. June 18 2024

    Monday, May 27, 2024

    The American Red Robins have fledged & have the dogwood tree to hide in while the parents find bugs to feed them

     Monday, May 27, 2024 - In my study of Phenology, the American Red Robin sets the stage in my Father, Bill's old white dogwood tree.

    The dogwood grows outside my bedroom window and attracts mourning doves, catbirds, sparrows, blue jays, starling, cardinals, crows, and robins. Using binoculars for my failing vision, I get a front row seat to observe the robins every morning.

    Their nest was over the driveway in the 100 year old silver maple. I know because every year they use long ribbons from balloons to dangle in the tree from the nest. Nesting: American Robins pair-bond during the breeding season. Both parents build the nest that is made of twigs, mud and lined with dry grass. Sometimes the nest will have string or ribbon that the robins find in the yard (see nest photo). The cup-shaped nests are built in a bush, tree or under the eaves of buildings. The female typically lays two to four light blue eggs. The female incubates the eggs over a two-week period and both parents care for the young. The eggs take around two weeks to hatch and the chicks will fledge when they are about 14 to 16 days old. The female may have two broods a year. The young are born with their eyes shut and first open their eyes around five days after hatching. Most birds actually can fly straight from the nest. There are only a few that are completely unflighted upon fledging. Robins are the main example, they leave the nest as nestlings, but even these nestlings will stick to the branches and wait to land on the ground until they have some flight. Babies leaving the nest is for their safety and health as the Crows from the north property that live in a 100 year old Spruce fly to the south property to attack the robin's nests. I don't like it at all. They eat the eggs. The nests can also have parasites so they abandon it to keep parasites off babies. Through communication between the parents and babies, they meet in my Dad's dogwood where they blend in with the brown gnarly branches and leaves. They've set up a particular spot where babies perch in the same exact spot to wait for parents to find bugs in my veggie garden and fly up to feed them. The babies huddle down and sit quietly until the parents return. I love watching the feedings. But this morning those damn crows flew into the dogwood and landed on the same exact spot where the babies hide waiting to be fed. This worries me. May the American Red Robins survive and remain here always. My grandmother Gill from Camborne, Cornwall, taught me about robins in 1963 when I was 13. So they've been here a very long time.

    Saturday, May 25, 2024

    Eastern Tiger Swallowtails are the first of the season in late May on Long Island, NY .

     I foolishly did some necessary chores bringing winter things into the attic and 3 trips made me short of breath. But I did get outside to work on clearing out the cut down invasive daylilies that are taking over the north edge of the asparagus and veg garden - even the old compost pile. I dragged one tall can to the front for pick up next week. Anything invasive I don't add to an anerobic pile. I had to sit before even going inside and up the 4 stoop steps.

    As I sat, I was gifted with seeing my very first yellow eastern tiger swallowtail flying into the understory of Sassafras I allowed to grow next to the 100 year old maples. They love butterfly bush (Buddleia), Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum), milkweed (Asclepias spp.), phlox (Phlox spp.), ironweed (Vernonia spp.), and lilac (Syringa spp.).

    I don't believe in any of this hokey pokey, I believe in the science and data. But it amused me to read: Yellow butterflies symbolize positivity, hope, and transformation. Seeing one might mean good news or big, positive changes are headed your way. Spiritually, a yellow butterfly can symbolize that you're near a spiritual awakening. It might also be a sign that your passed loved ones are thinking of you.

    I could use a little hope & positivity these days.


    Wednesday, May 15, 2024

    Mid May is time for the property to slowly transition from Early Spring Color then soften to White flowers as the ferocious weeds get ready to overtake.

      May 15, 2024 - a rainy day! 60 degrees. 93% humidity SE winds 8 mph. When we reach mid May, all the early Spring colors are fading or have already faded. Daffodils and tulips are gone. Yellow Forsythias are gone. So are the apricot colored flowering Quince.

    Now in the wild hedgerow the Spirea is in full blossom but sadly entwined in invasive Japanese honeysuckle. What an impossible job pulling it out.

    Beach plum is in full flower. I've envied the sand dunes along Long Island for having these lovely plants for years, and feeling like a trespasser going there in August to spy on their fruit development and hoping to pinch a few fruits. Now I have my very own that I got from the NYSDEC's Saratoga Nursery.

    And Lily of the Valley - a quiet little ground cover that comes and goes quickly but leaves their intoxicating fragrance in your mind, forever.

    The white Dogwood lights up the entire north property and speaks of my Father's gardening skills as he grew this from a graft taken on N Broadway at his friend Amy Keller's house. She was his art student.

    And everywhere you look are tiny clumps of white Star of Bethlehem determined to divide and conquer the garden beds and seek haven in every nook and cranny.


    And let's not forget White Columbine, sure to return every Spring in mid May with glorious bright white nodding flowers.

    I've always loved having a white garden because I feel a white flower has much more fragrance than any other. And with sunsets at 8:05 PM tonight, the white flowers just light up every path they find a home to call their own.

    September 7 2024 - The BIG CHANGE IS COMING - Self Journey Back from a Traumatic Blow To Head - Post Concussive Syndrome Wrecked My Life

    I've traveled so far and wide going from specialist to specialist since November 2017 until now. 2024.  Spending money on gas and using ...