Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Seaside Goldenrod - a late summer nectar & pollen bearing tubular disk flowers

 A fellow Long Island gardener from Port Washington sent me 4 types of seeds in an envelope that she harvested off her native garden plants. The 1st of the 4 just germinated from sowings I started indoors on March 9th. - 12 days ago. Seaside Goldenrod - Solidago sempervirens

There are many different types. Perennial goldenrod is tolerant of standing water, drought, and saline soils.The flower head has tubular disk flowers in the center and ray flowers, these often strap-shaped, around the periphery. The numerous small flowers of goldenrods are filled with nectar. Those many small flowers are filled with pollen, too. This means the late summer flowers attract a wide variety of nectar-sipping, pollen-eating bees, beetles, butterflies, moths, flies, and wasps. The seaside goldenrod found along Eastern Shores of Long Island provide refueling stations for monarch butterflies during fall migration. Mine has non invasive rhizomes, but spreads many seeds. It's native to eastern America. https://www.gardenia.net/compare.../solidago_--_goldenrods

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