Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 30 - Tempus Fugit - Where did Autumn Go?

 Tuesday, 11/30/2021 - It's 37 degrees with W winds 3 mph.  I've been non-stop working, but at a snail's pace.  I did go camping in October from the 17 - 21.  It was a pretty miserable experience with rain and high winds.  I had booked 2 half day trips at Hither Hills.  I lost $111 and did not go in early October as the weather and my exhaustion were not in best form.  Feeling buried in back-logged chores, I stayed home and worked the best I could inside and out.  

 I'm not sure I want to save a spot for next year in late August - early September because there is a split pole on the tent from gusting winds and not sure I have the energy to do this by myself, anymore.  Many years Ive spent solo camping because no one wants to camp with me. 

Today is November 30th and I have much work before me cleaning up the property, the organic veg garden, and cleaning the shed out, storing tools, and scraping/priming/painting window trim on south windows.  

the bare wood needs to be covered.  It's too cold now.  I may have blown the window of opportunity to finish this.

I'm on the 5th day of a Panceas cleanse and began another blog to cover the food plans.  


Hoping to get at least 10% of the exterior and interior work done before New Year's Day. 

                                     garden strays that withstand a chill
                      transplanted lettuce into this container for a winter salad
Carrots taste better after a frost

Dug up some newly re-seeded lettuce plants from the earlier lettuce plants.  Will be growing them indoors in December. 

Handful of carrots picked 11/27/2021

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