Monday, June 7, 2021

 A sunny hot Monday, June 7, 80 degrees and very humid.  I observed many many yellow flowers on tall firm stems.   Yellow Hawkweed.  It's growing in clusters so no fescue grass can grow.   I need to dig them out.  

Hieracium caespitosum

Yellow hawkweed in bud (Hieracium caespitosum) - click for larger image

Yellow hawkweed has clusters of many small, yellow dandelion-like flower heads on top of mostly leafless stems. The erect, bristly stems can grow up to 3 feet tall, each topped by 5 to 30 bright yellow flower heads in a compact, flat-topped cluster. Each plant produces 10 to 30 flower stems. Flowers in bud are distinctively rounded and black-hairy in tight clusters at the tops of the stems.

The leaves are long and narrow, up to six inches long, not lobed, somewhat hairy on both sides, and form a basal rosette. There are also usually one or two small leaves on the stem. The entire plant contains a milky juice. Yellow hawkweed has a shallow root system and underground creeping stems called rhizomes. New plants can arise from buds on the rhizomes and plants can develop several creeping stems (like strawberries) that are also capable of producing new plants.

Yellow hawkweed rosettes (Hieracium caespitosum) - click for larger image

Yellow hawkweed is a perennial and spreads by seeds, stolons and rhizomes. It flowers from mid-May to July and usually sets seed by August. Yellow hawkweed thrives in disturbed areas such as roadsides, gravel pits and pastures. It can also invade meadows and forested areas and is well-adapted to life at higher elevations. Usually found in sunny areas, it is somewhat shade tolerant.

Hawkweed identification can be difficult and often requires technical details such as hair types. Also, hybridization between species can make it even more confusing. 

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