Saturday, May 29, 2021

Never Ending Late May Siege of Invasive, Noxious Weeds

 NE winds gusting to 22 mph, it's finally gone up to 51 degrees.  It was in the 40's last night.  After having hot summer-like temps, this is a drawback to March weather. It's the beginning of Memorial Day weekend, Saturday. May 29, 2021.  It poured rain all night, high winds, chilly air.  The east windows of the old house were battered with hard rain.  Secretly, I prayed it would rain the entire weekend.  Our Earth is parched from not having rain since May 10th.  Now the noxious, invasive weeds will run rampart all around the property entering through the neighbors' fences.  Blackberry brambles, English Ivy, Asiatic bittersweet, Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort),  Garlic mustard, Bindweed,  Virginia creeper, Cleavers, etc. All I do is hand rip weeds out wherever I walk on the property. It's upsetting and endless.  I'm falling way behind on the English Ivy on the north section.  

Within the first growing bed where Early Spring vegetables are growing (sown May 8 - 12th - a month late due to my disabilities) there are a bazillion carpetweed plants everywhere in between the rows, today.  This rain will enable them to grow fast so they must be gently hoed out. Using clear plastic over the 5 ft. by 20 ft.  row, I was able to solarize & force weed growth for a few months to eradicate the crabgrass earlier, and before sowing 18 rows of Spring lettuce varieties, carrots, spinach, turnips, chard, beets, onions, kale, radishes, fennel.  

Many many cans of invasive weeds have been taken by village sanitation early on.  Everything has to be hand pulled as this is an organic property.  

Only 2 summer sowings have been done.  A small cucumber patch on a rickety old trellis formed with old wire fencing and climbing nasturtium on the ends. Straight 8 & Munchers were sown last week.  

New Zucchini bed sown on May 27 2021. 

I purchased zucchini seed at Oceans Job Lot on May 27th.   They went straight into a prepared small row to be covered with a wire frame and grow cloth.  Inside the bed where 9 seeds were sown also went Alaskan nasturtiums and daikon radish to deter the squash bug.  Companion planting.  

I also purchased two rolls of artificial turf grass.  The weeds are getting so bad in the driveway I wanted to cover the area and make it a place of peaceful rest.  Also purchased weed cloth - commercial grade and put the hammock on it so I can have a place of rest.  The wooden table I found in 2019 has been painted and the grass rug will go under the table for weed free living space.  

The 2 giant maple trees were cut down on November 28 2020.  I left one 100 year old Silver maple standing toward the road that would cast long NE shadows onto the driveway in late afternoon when the SW sun is the hottest.   

I'm exhausting myself as an organic gardener to eradicate the never ending growing list of invasive weeds on my property.  

Spring rows are doing well but look closely and you'll see all the carpetweed getting ready to take over. 

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