Before understanding what a bract is, it is helpful to understand what it is not. First, it is not a part of the "flower" by definition. Complete flowers are composed of four parts: sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils. A bract is none of these.

Neither is a bract a leaf, although it is sometimes defined as a leaflike structure. Bracts usually differ in shape or color from leaves, and they function differently. Leaves may be anywhere along the stem while bracts are generally located on a stem just below a flower, a flower stalk, or an inflorescence. 

ImageFlowers may arise between bracts, flowers may be separated from bracts, and bracts can be present without flowers. Bracts can be leaflike as in poinsettias, scale-like as on pinecone gingers and bromeliads, or even petal-like as on dogwoods. Several familiar flowers have bracts. The dogwood inflorescence, for instance, consists of a cluster of tiny flowers. Surrounding the actual flowers are showy, petal-like bracts. Once observers are able to identify the basic flower parts, (sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils), they can figure that if other plant parts that are neither these nor leaves, fruits, needles, or cones, they just might be bracts. Recognizing specific plants that have bracts and being able to identify them will help to identify bracts in unfamiliar flowers. All it takes is careful inspection and a bit of basic understanding of plant parts.


Another terrible invasive I've seen this year in my garden (that is growing in the nice neighbor's yard) is  

                   Lamium purpureum, Purple Dead Nettle

We had this at the Deer Park Edith Salzer Organic Community Garden and it's impossible to eradicate. I've got to keep pulling. 

Oxalis stricta - common yellow Sorrel

I don't mind this too much.  It's a native plant and low growing.   It's kind of sweet!   I pull as many as I can though.  


And finally, I was dismayed to see that on the southern side of property the Garlic Mustard is back.  I had it in the far northern corner with the invasive English ivy but it just disappeared one year. Now it's here on the neighbor's side.  I have to rip all of this out.  I do NOT want it.  It's creeping by the dirt driveway, now.   This is so invasive and in full flower. 

end of journal for May 13th 2021.