Friday, December 2, 2022

Reclaiming the Cold Frame from the Invasion of the Golden Raspberries December 2 2022

I filled a tall can with dead canes and pulled out invasive honeysuckle vines.

Most canes have no growth but this was protected in a warm area and grew leaves
A cut cane that is now ready for replanting.

This was a lot of digging.  I did save about 10 canes to repot in containers. 
                    Fabulous - the golden raspberry canes have been dug out. 
More to do on Sunday, December 4th 2022 after the rains leave us on Saturday, December 3. 

Trees on my Property on December 2 2022

 It's December 1.  2022.  I've been observing the tall and very old Norway Spruce conifer tree at the Northern tip of the property that forms a triangular shape. I believe this was a living Christmas tree planted in the early 1960's.  It could be 60 years old and 60 feet tall.  It's kind of shaggy looking.  And invasive English ivy is climbing back on it and I must cut the ivy down before it kills the tree.  

With fierce winds, the cones have been falling randomly to the ground.  And I've been collecting them.  A friend, Carrie, has shown interest in having some cones.  I've bagged them so I don't run them over with the mulching lawn mower.  

The cones are long and closed when they fall off the branches. They tend to develop rough and scaly bark because of woody projections that hold the needles to the tree. Typically grow into a “perfect” conifer shape.

  • Norway Spruce are monoecious. Their female flowers are red and oval-shaped and typically grow on the upper crown of the tree. Male flowers form in clusters of stamens and are also red in color but turn to yellow once pollinated. Female flowers are wind-pollinated, turning green and enlarged. Once this happens, these female flowers then further develop into red-brown cones. The cones of a Norway spruce are relatively long and have diamond-shaped scales. The seeds of a Norway Spruce are released in spring.

                                           Some examples of cone trees. 

I plan on using some of the Norway spruce branches for decorations in my window boxes.  
to be continued. 

Herb Garden is along an added 3 foot extension to garden using weed cloth and mulch growing in large pots

Wild Mint that came from Irene Prevel's garden in Rocky Point in 2015. It's spread over the past 9 yrs.     Roman Chamomile planted ...